
15 December 2009

Taking a Break

I'm contributing to the nation's current standing statistic that a Malaysian reads an average 2 books per year. So, last Sunday, in the hopes of escaping textbooks and mock exam papers, I went to Kinokuniya and splurged on a few books:

I'm not a romantic but I'm such a huge fan of Jane Austen. Besides Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion is my next favourite and I just found out that there's a re-telling of the story from the male protagonist's point-of-view written by Amanda Grange. So I googled and found Captain Wentworth's Diary, and my luck... Kinokuniya has stock! At this point in time, I've already finished reading the book and it's such a refreshing time spent reading it from the hero's POV. Of course, nothing can beat Jane Austen... so I'm planning to re-read Persuasion again after this.

Oh... no worries. I've still got a lot of wedding talks after this. Just need a bit of a break from all those researching and planning...


  1. I love Jane Austen too!! And Emma is my favourite! You will not be dissapointed with Captain Wentworth's Diary! :D

  2. You've read it? I just finished it... best! haha.. want to find Mr Darcy's Diary next. ;)
